don’t eat back exercise calories

One of the biggest misconceptions when calorie counting is to be eating back the calories that you burned through exercise.

Y’know how if you walked on a treadmill for 30min and you see it tells you that you burned like 100kcal and then you decide to eat an extra 100kcal cos you think you earned it?

Yeah.. don’t do that.

See the thing with tracking exercise or workout burned calories is that it’s highly inaccurate. Studies have shown inaccuracies from exercise equipment or fitness trackers to range anywhere from 25-75%. That’s a a huge margin of error.

On top of that, working out actually doesn’t burn as much calories as yo think. 30min of brisk walking only burns roughly 100kcal. It’s much easier to not eat 100kcal vs burning it off.

So what’s the secret advice?

If your main goal is to lose fat, focus on achieving that goal solely through your diet. I mean workout all you want, but consider thos burned calories as a bonus instead of trying to eat back those extra calories.

This doesn’t mean working out is pointless.

Working out has many many many benefits to fat loss, it just isn’t the best tool for it. It’s way too easy to overeat and way too hard to over-exercise to burn off everything you ate to achieve a calorie deficit.

Your diet is priority when it comes to fat loss.

Everything else is a bonus.