there is no secret pill
I’m writing to you today to remind you that there’s no secret pill in losing weight. I’m not just talking about fat loss pills, those obviously don’t work at all.
I’m talking about any “pill”.
There’s no secret food you must eat or must avoid to lose weight. No such thing as eating more of a certain spice or exotic fruit to make fat loss faster. No such thing as a food that’s so bad that makes you hold on to fat forever.
There’s no supplement you must take. There is no such supplement where if you take it you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight. There’s no tea to drink so you’ll excrete more fats when you go to the toilet.
There’s no secret juice that helps fat loss. Your body doesn’t need no cleanse. There’s no need for any kind of reset.
All these “pills” are just myths that waste your time and money.
How do I know?
I’ve tried all those things above.
I was the fat kid growing up, I was overweight, obese for the majority of my life. I was desperate to lose weight too. I fell for all the myths.
None of the above will work no matter how hard you try if you don’t change your diet, your habits, your lifestyle.
Every single one of those things above will work if you change your diet, your habits, your lifestyle.
You might ask, “wait, so do you mean…?”
and I’d yell out, “YES!”
It means changing your diet, habits, and lifestyle alone will help you lose fat sustainability without all those nonsense “secret pills”.
The actual secret?
There’s no shortcut to this journey.
I get it, we’re all human, we’re all trying to find an easier way to reach our goals whenever possible. But here’s where I gotta put my foot down and tell you the truth. The fastest shortcut to your end goal is to stop giving all those “secret pills” a chance.
Those “secret pills” are just draining your wallet, wasting your time, and your emotions and patience.
The fastest way to your fat loss goals is to go as slow as possible. The fastest way to sustainably lose fat is to work on sustainable habits moving forward. You lose 0.5kg a month, that’s 6kg a year.
You might think 6kg sounds very little.
It’s not little at all if it’s permanent.
With a blink of an eye 2020 has gone by 3 years. If you lost 0.5kg every month consistently all this time you’d be 18kg lighter now. That’s not little at all. That’s the weight of a 7yr old child.
Stop looking for a secret when it’s right there in front of you. Put in the everyday work. Prioritize fixing your diet first, then slowly move on to work on exercise and sleep. In that order. Stop trying to go fast, go for slow and sustainable.
You can do this, you just gotta be patient with yourself.
— Po