superfoods is a myth
Let’s get down and dirty with the truth about superfoods.
I hear that term thrown around a lot on a regular basis which is understandable cos I used to buy into the hype too. During my 123kg days I’d take the time to hunt down superfoods when they weren’t regularly available around me, then I’d empty my wallet on it cos it’d cost a fortune since it’s so rare, all just hoping it gives me some kind of “super” benefits.
I was naive. I didn’t know better.
Now that I know better, I realized that superfoods is no more than a flashy marketing term. The definition of superfood is basically a nutrient rich food. In other words basically all types of whole foods are superfoods.
If all whole foods are super foods doesn’t that mean it’s all just kinda regular food and there’s nothing “super” about it?
Here’s the real deal:
There is no food that exists where the more you eat the more weight you’ll lose, or the faster you’ll lose weight. That kind of “superfood” doesn’t exist.
There’s also no food where the more you eat the less you gotta worry about your health. Does nutrient rich foods help provide you with a lot of nutrients?
But being healthy comes from eating a variety of nutrient rich foods and not just one type. Every nutrient rich food is rich in certain types vitamins & minerals but not all and it’s when you mix and match different types of nutrient rich foods that you get a better balance of everything versus sticking to only one type.
I remember there was a period of time where in the media avocados were king of “superfoods” and back then where I lived avocados were really hard to find and were super expensive. I thought avocados was some secret elixir to health and had massive potential to help me lose weight so whenever I found some I’d buy a bunch.
Thinking back at that memory I’m really just shaking my head to myself.
Sure avocados are super nutrient rich, but it’s not like a “must have”. You could find similar nutrients from other foods like cashews, pistachios, kiwis, apples, oranges etc. There’s always alternatives when it comes to food. There’s no such thing as a “must eat” to achieve your goals.
The only “must eat” thing is foods you absolutely love.
In summary, don’t fall for superfoods. Every nutrient rich food is a super food. No foods exists where the more you eat the more benefits you have for weight loss. That’s all marketing tricks trying make your wallet skinnier, not your belly.
Hope you found this letter useful!