how to enjoy life during diet
There’s a misconception on how weight loss actually works.
A lot of people think (me included back in my 123kg days) that it’s just some sort of program you gotta commit to for a certain amount of time and after completion you can go back to your “normal” life.
It’s incorrect. It’s simply not true.
Two things happen when you stick to that mindset.
One, while you are committed to the program you will definitely make some form of progress. But two, as soon as you stop the program and go back to your normal habits, you’ll start to lose all the progress you made very quickly over time.
“Why?” you might ask.
Cos your weight is based on on the average of your regular habits.
If your old habits are what got you overweight in the first place, going back to them will just eventually make you overweight again. The “program” that you followed temporarily changed your regular habits, so during that time your weight changes.
Does that mean you gotta forever be on some sort of program?
Hmm, yes and no.
No in the sense that you don’t have to be following any kind of strict set rules for the rest of your life to lose weight and keep it off, but yes you do have to figure out some form of lifestyle change that you can stick to for the rest of your life
A lifestyle change doesn’t mean you become super strict and just lose all the joys in life, a lifestyle change means you have a certain way to eat and live towards your weight goals during “normal” days but still am able to enjoy and celebrate life such as birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.
Your “normal” days is what you gotta work on. That’s where you gotta change. All the fun stuff in life like going on vacation or celebrating a milestone or birthday? That can remain exactly the way you enjoy it.
Think of it this way. 365 days in a year. Let’s say a good 65 days in that year is all for celebration. Those 65 days you just do and eat whatever you want with no limits. That’s totally fine. What matters for your weight and health is what you do on those 300 “normal” days.
The other day someone asked:
“How do mukbang youtubers still stay so thin?”
The answer is similar to what I’ve mentioned above.
Most mukbang eaters only eat that much in front of the camera, and usually it’s once or twice a week maximum. They don’t eat like that on a regular basis, especially those that still keep their figure. Of course there are those that do eat like that on a more regular basis, and you can see by going through their older videos compared to the new that they would look quite different in size.
Your weight is based on your lifestyle, and lifestyle is something that occurs for life. Throughout all the content that I’ve created on my IG or in these letters I hope to break down the fundamental details for you to create diet habits that suit you that helps you progress towards your goals.
There’s no one size fits all. There’s no method that’s a universal best way, but there 100% is a best way for you individually and that’s for you to figure out over time.
I hope through this letter today you understand that what you’re looking for isn’t some temporary program or quick fix, but it’s to start changing your habits bit by bit. It’ll feel slow at the start, super super slow. But over time you’ll see that small consistent efforts do reap a lot of results.
It’s all in the consistency of your actions and patience.
The effort of losing 0.01kg is very minimal. Keep that effort up consistently for a year and that’s 3.65kg lost permanently.
Consistency and patience is the secret if you’re ever looking for one.