do you need to take whey?
So today, we whey. We talk about whey.
I’m just gonna go straight for the facts without too much weaving and turning so hopefully you can very quickly after reading this letter be no longer confused or have lingering doubts about it. Let’s jump in.
Do you need to take whey?
The answer is no.
Whey is not a necessity in any shape or form for your weight loss, health, or muscle goals. It’s nice to have, it’s convenient, it can be helpful, but it’s also absolutely not a necessity. Whey does not speed up or slow down the weight loss process, all it does it help you consume protein in a convenient matter. What do I mean by convenient? Well it’s much much easier to drink a shake that tastes like a milk shake than to eat a dry piece of chicken breast for the same amount of protein.
Also cos it’s convenient, please don’t start using it as your main source of protein either. You should still be getting most of your protein from real foods. Having a scoop or two of protein daily is completely fine, but relying on it 100% for protein is a no-no. It’s a supplement. It’s the side dish. Don’t make the side dish became the main dish.
What brand or flavor protein should you get?
That’s truly up to what’s available around you and your preference. All protein is basically the same thing marketed in different ways. Although I do want to emphasize to at least choose a brand that’s well known locally or globally, as there have been cases in the past where smaller unknown protein brands were dishonest with their food label meaning their the actual protein per scoop is lower than they claimed.
Other than that it’s really up to you.
If you’re new to whey I’d suggest just trying a few different flavors for the next couple of months to figure out what you enjoy. There’s no right or wrong. Whatever the flavor is the calories and protein are usually roughly the same.
Oh and there are no such thing as male or female whey. All of that is just marketing and packaging differences. The proteins we all consume are the same protein, it’s not gender specific at all.
There’s no magic in whey. You can absolutely hit your protein goals from real foods on a regular basis. I was doing that before a couple of years back, but then started taking whey cos I wanted something quick after my workouts instead of sitting down and eating a meal.
I think that covers all the essentials, any other extra questions or concerns about whey feel free to hit the reply button and ask away!
Hope you’ve been well!
Till the next one~
— Po