what’s ideal vs what’s practical

You know what’s ideal?

Meal prepping at home every single day for every single meal from scratch measuring every single ingredient making sure you have a good mix of whole foods, lean protein and foods you love for your diet while keeping up to a 3-5 day a week workout schedule, hitting 10,000 steps every single day and sleeping at least 8hrs every night.

Ideal? Sure. Results would be inevitable.

But practical? Not really.

But here’s the great news, you don’t need to hit ideal for results. You don’t need to be perfect every single day for results in any department whether that’s weight loss, health, or muscle gain. 70-80% of ideal on a regular basis is more than enough to get you to your goals.

I think a stuck point a lot of us go through is trying to be perfect with our routine, and when we aren’t perfect we end up feeling super upset thinking we’ve ruined all our progress and that spirals into “well why bother keep trying since I ruined everything already” which then translates to quitting and that’s when results actually do get ruined.

Perfect doesn’t exist.

It’s a fantasy. It’s what we hope for in our heads, but is completely unrealistic in real life. Being consistent and practical is what’s needed to get to the finish line.

Losing weight is about figuring out a plan that is practical for you.

Over here I try to teach you all the fundamentals you need to create your own plan that suits your lifestyle and your goals. There is no magic calorie number that guarantees you to your goals, there is no magic workout routine or schedule that gains you muscle, there is no secret foods where the more you eat the more healthy you get. All those goals come from your habits and lifestyle, which takes time to slowly change.

What works for someone wouldn’t necessary work for you.

What works for you wouldn’t necessary work for your parents or your best friend. The journey of losing weight, being healthy, gaining muscle is very individualized. Sure you could enter a program and see some kind of results. We’ve all been there, but what happens when the program ends and you go back to normal life?

The results start to fade away.

I guess today I just really wanted to remind you to do some critical thinking for yourself, your goals, and your expectations.

There’s all kinds of information out there. Don’t just copy and paste, but think about the root of the information you’re getting and how you can fit a version of that into your lifestyle 

There is no right or wrong way.

Any way that works for you sustainably is the right way.

Remember there’s no magic pill. No matter which way you choose it will all require hard work, patience, and consistency.

Good news is it’s far from impossible. Your goals are very much attainable.

— Po